Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mangga-Sago Dessert

Dessert for the day: Mangga-Sago Dessert

2 box Nestle Cream
1 can condense milk
1/3 K sago
3 pcs ripe mangoes

1. Boil half full water in a pot, add your sago and stir. Wait until it becomes transparent, add more water until no white spot remains at the center. Strain.
2. Slice your mangoes into small cubes.
3. Mix your cream and condense milk, add your sago and mangoes. Chill.

Best when chilled overnight so the taste of the mangoes will blend with the cream.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coconut Macaroons

This is one of the easiest dessert you could bake, just like your one-step hot cake mix, you mix it all and your done. Way back in my high school days my mama would always bake cakes for us and sometimes desserts, one of my favorite is her carrot cake (before, I only eat carrot if its a cake). I also remember the time when we used to make yema balls and polvoron to sell at school, we would all pile up in the table and get our share of "tinda", but before that, we already ate some of the foods that we were supposed to sell.

Macaroons was also one of the desserts taught in our culinary class, from that time i think have baked several sets already. In my previous boarding house it was convenient to bake since we had an oven, i baked some for my friends and some for my office mates, and baked some at home. But now that i am living alone, without a kitchen and an oven, i guess it'll take some time before i could make macaroons again.

Dessert for the day: Coconut Macaroons

1/4 c butter (soften)
1/3 c flour
200 g desiccated coconut
1/4 sugar
1 can big condense milk
2 pcs egg

1. In a bowl put all the ingredients and mix.
2. Put the mixture into small macaroon pans with colored baking cups. Top with raisin.
3. Bake at 350 deg F for 20 mins or until top is finely browned.

Me making macaroons at home..

Easy, right?? So go ahead and give it a try but dont forget to share some okiez... =)


Chocolate Moist Cake

Cake baked during culinary class

It was during our 1st day in culinary class at USC Girls High that we baked this cake. On that day we cooked about 5 dishes that was distributed to each member, i can't remember who were incharge of the cake but each one of us helped on the preparation, from sifting to mixing and stirring. After four hours of scrumbling (kay di pa kabalo magluto) and getting things mixed up, we survived cooking, good thing that all the foods we prepared tasted good. We had a feast right after class coz we ate all the foods we cooked, leaving the cake for snacks since we're too full to eat.

That afternoon I brought my part of the cake to Bacolod and gave it to my mama and papa for pasalubong (kay wala ko lain na pasalubong =). We never minded the cake during lunch but i was surprised when mama and papa told me that it was delicious, i took a small bite and yes, it was. Even my group mates in culinary shared the same surprise, we cooked a very delicious cake. =)

The next time i went home to Bacolod, i baked cakes for all of them, one on New Year's Eve and one before i went back to Cebu. When i ran out of ingredients for the 2nd cake, i experimented on it, instead of using filled milk for the cake i used baby's powdered milk which is tasteless and changed the washed sugar to brown sugar. The result according to them (kay nagbalik nako sa cebu), the cake was more tasty and the frosting was more creamy and chocolaity, much more delicious than the first one.

New Year's Chocolate Cake

Dessert for the day: Chocolate Moist Cake

Chocolate Cake
2 c all purpose flour
1.5 c sugar
3/4 c cocoa powder
.5 c vegetable oil
1 c diluted milk
1 c boiling water
1.5 tsp baking powder
1.5 tsp baking soda
1 tsp iodized salt
2 pcs eggs

Mix all dry ingredients and make a well and add the rest of the ingredients. Beat by electric mixer for 3-4mins. Pour in a lined round pan 9x1" or 9x1.5". Bake at 350 deg. for 25 to 30 minutes or until done.

For Frosting/Filling
1/3 c cocoa powder
1.5 c evaporated milk
1/3 c cornstarch
1 c white sugar
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp vanilla flavor

Mix all and strain. Cook in a double boiler or slow fire with constant stirring.

How to put frostings on cake.. =)

For Filling:
1. Cut cake into half, horizontally.
2. Pour mixture on top of the first half of the cake.
3. Put 2nd half of the cake on top and cover with the remaining frostings.

2nd - experimented Chocolate Cake

So there you go, my very 1st baking session here in blog. Hopefully next time i could bake something for you guys, kaso wala dri ang ako na oven, so blog blog nlg sah ta.. hehe..

Up next, macaroons npud...

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Nilusgusan na Pasayan"

This is what my Nanay (Auntie) call this dish but I don't actually know the meaning of the word "nilusgusan", basta for her, as long as you cook your prawns with Sprite or Soy sauce it is called "nilusgusan". This is one of the first few dish that i learned to cook during High School, with matching instructions written in a sheet of paper from my Mama. Right now i'm trying different dishes using prawns and sadly, I only made 3 due to the rising cost of prawns and the limitation of my time (I only cook during weekends) .

And just this Sunday we had our TUP-V_Cebu Chapter Reunion at Hadsan Beach Resort, our group LEAR Corporation pledged a viand and a variety of fruits for the activity. Since all kinds of lechon we're already on the list it gave us no choice but to have seafoods even if its costly, good thing that there are lots of TUP-Vians here at Lear so we have accumulated a good amount of money for the prawns, and that's how we came up with Nilusgusan na Pasayan due to its few ingredients and easy to cook.

Menu for the day: "Nilusgusan na Pasayan"

1/2K prawns, cleaned
1pc ginger, sliced
1pc spring onions, chopped
1/4cup soy sauce
2cups Sprite (softdrink)


1. Heat oil in a pan. Sautee ginger until aroma comes out. Add prawns and wait until it turns pink.

2. Add soy sauce and Sprite, let it boil for a few minutes.

3. Season with salt. Taste should be sweet and have a tang (because of soy sauce).

4. If done, add spring onions on top. Serve hot.

Oh, i have to add, for the amount of sauce or "sabaw" on your prawns it really depends on who will eat the food, because others like it with "sabaw", others do not. You can discard the "sabaw" if you want, its your choice. =)

Btw, here are my schoolmate's comment on the food:
- nami man dyapon pero mas namit ang una na my butter kg gamay ang sabaw.. (so i guess i'll stick with butter in sautee-ing the prawns huh?? I will next time, basta dili na 3kilos ang lutuon.. makulangan nya ta sa budget.. hehe..)
- two thumbs up!!

Thanks for the comment guys, til' next food trip! =)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Pochero (Bacolod Style)

Masskara weekend in Bacolod

They say Ilonggo's are very sweet, maybe because they came from Sugarlandia or simply because they love to eat sweets. That's why our dish for today is pochero, Bacolod style. This is different from the Pochero made here in Cebu or in Manila because we use banana (saba) and sweet potatoes to make it sweet. This dish is usually served during "handaan" or fiesta and during celebrations or important occasions (sa nanotice ko lang ha).

I made one a few weeks back, i shared some to my neighbors and some to my loved ones. They say it's a li'l too sweet (it is...) but if I'm to rate what i did, i'll get an 8. Hey, I'm an Ilonggo so I am entitled to rate myself according to Ilonggo's pochero standard. Okiezz?? =)

So, lemme share to you how to cook pochero in Ilonggo way...

== Readers discretion is advised == hehehe...

Menu for the day: Pochero

6clove garlic, minced
1pc onion, chopped
1pc pork cube
5pc banana (saba), sliced
4pc sweet potatoes, sliced
pechay, sliced
1/2k pork

1. In a hot pot, sautee pork in garlic, onions and pork cube until pork turns brown.
2. Add about 4-5 cups of water into the pot and bring to a boil. Wait until pork becomes tender.
3. Add kamote and wait for about 15 minutes.
4. Add sliced banana and wait until kamote and banana becomes tender. Add salt to taste. (Broth should be creamy and sweet because of kamote and banana).
5. Add sliced pechay and cover the pot, let it boil once.
6. Turn off fire. Serve hot.

I'll post a pic if makaluto ko balik... =)
update - went home this weekend to join Masskara Festival, cooked pochero and took this pic.

Till next post... Good day everyone!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pork Sinigang

Here's one dish that everyone likes to eat especially those who loves sour food. I always cook this at home (Bacolod), not only because they requested for it but its also easy to prepare. Actually its one of their MRD (Most Requested Dish). And its not everyday that i get the luxury of time to cook something for them, its my way of showing that i love them... =)

Menu for the day: Sinigang

2pc raddish, sliced
1pc calamansi
bundle of water spinach (kangkong)
1tbsp salt
1/2k pork
1pack Sinigang mix

you could also use:
tamarind powder or batwan (if available in your area)

1. In a large casserole, boil pork in about 4-5 cups of water. Add salt. Wait until pork becomes tender.
2. Add your sinigang mix or tamarind powder little by little until you get the right amount of sourness you want. Squeeze in calamansi juice.
3. Add raddish and wait for about 10 minutes. Season to taste.
4. Once sour broth is ok, add kangkong and let it boil once.
5. Turn off fire. Serve hot.

Tip: You could actually add any vegetables you want (eggplant, tomatoes, green beans, etc...), it all depends on your creativity and likes to eat.

In my case, i only used kangkong since i don't eat much green in broth.

So there you go... happy cooking and happy eating!! =)


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mango Float

I've tried making different kind of floats at home for dessert and this is one of my favorites. Few ingredients and easy to prepare. Most of my friends already tried this, but for those who haven't here's how.

1can condense milk
2box nestle cream
2pc ripe mangoes
1pack graham crackers

1. mix condense milk and nestle cream in a bowl. Set aside the cream mixture.
2. Remove mango skin and slice mangoes into long, thin strips.
3. Arrange crackers at the bottom of container and spread 1/3 of cream mixture on top.
4. Layer sliced mangoes on top of cream mixture.
5. Repeat procedure 1-4 until all cream are used.
6. Chill and serve.

You could substitute mangoes with any of your favorite fruit or you could use fruit cocktail.

Next time i'll post here my Coffee-Choco Float recipe...


Buttered Garlic Prawn

This morning I woke up early just to prepare my ingredients for buttered garlic prawn, and since i have an available white wine in the ref i marinated the prawns with it. After an hour i cook the prawns with butter and garlic, and the result, the prawns were hard and dry =(. So i decided to change my dish, i bought a bottle of Sprite from the store and pour the whole content into the pan. Add a little soy sauce and a dash of salt and pepper.

This was not the plan but since the first attempt for buttered garlic prawn failed i invented something different. I don't know what to call this dish, a prawn marinated with white wine, sauteed with butter and garlic and boiled with Sprite; a mix of three prawn recipes i think.

It's OK, a little experiment with food won't hurt. And the result?? We'll know that after lunch, hehe...

Learned Lesson:

Bad - don't marinate your prawn with wine if you don't drink one, you won't like the taste.

Good - at least you tried! =)


Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Just last night a great idea came to mind, I'll blog everything that i cook. I'm a newbie when it comes to cooking but growing up with a father who's a good cook, i think I've inherited a little.

I started cooking just a month ago and luckily i got good results, some are even perfectly delicious. But there's no proof to it, right?! So i asked some of my office-mates/friends to comment on the food, i think that would be fair enough.

Menu for the day: Chop Suey

2pc carrots
1pc cauliflower
1pc sayote
1pc green bell pepper
1pack chicharo
1pack young corn

1bar butter or margarine (or veg oil)
1pc red onions, medium, sliced
5cloves garlic, minced
1/4k shrimps or
1pack shrimp pangsahog (wet section in groceries)
1can mushroom
1tbsp soy sauce
2cups water
2tsp corn starch
10pcs quail eggs
salt and pepper

1. Slice vegetables into bite size. Put a tablespoon of butter into a heated pan, wait till bubbles disappear. Add sliced carrots and stir fry, don't over cook. (Tip: get a slice and take a bite, should be crunchy and not too tender). Follow the same procedure to the remaining sliced veggies, do it by group. Set aside.

2. Heat pan. Add a tsp of butter or veg oil and sautee garlic, onion and shrimp. Wait till the shrimp turns pink then add the mushroom. Add soysauce.

3. Dissolve cornstarch in water.

4. Add water mixture into the pan. Wait to boil. If you want the sauce to be thick, just add more cornstarch to the water. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

To Serve:
1. Pour the sauce into the veggies. Add quail eggs. Serve hot.

So there you go, a healthy good food for everyone...

Btw, here are my friends comments:

- ok ra xa... lami kay daghan ang ingredients... mas lami kung tunay na pasayan...
- lami na jud kaayo...
- hehehe kulang itlog bitin.
- box office... sweet tooth ko daan so mas namian ko ang tam-is na chopsuey nga daw ginbutangan bala harina...

See yah!