Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mango Float

I've tried making different kind of floats at home for dessert and this is one of my favorites. Few ingredients and easy to prepare. Most of my friends already tried this, but for those who haven't here's how.

1can condense milk
2box nestle cream
2pc ripe mangoes
1pack graham crackers

1. mix condense milk and nestle cream in a bowl. Set aside the cream mixture.
2. Remove mango skin and slice mangoes into long, thin strips.
3. Arrange crackers at the bottom of container and spread 1/3 of cream mixture on top.
4. Layer sliced mangoes on top of cream mixture.
5. Repeat procedure 1-4 until all cream are used.
6. Chill and serve.

You could substitute mangoes with any of your favorite fruit or you could use fruit cocktail.

Next time i'll post here my Coffee-Choco Float recipe...


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